COVID Policy
We are currently following guidelines recommended to us by the health department and Virginia Department of Education. At this time, mask wearing for children at the center will be encouraged, but optional for all age groups. We do reserve the right, however, to change this if we feel it is necessary.
We will notify you if your child is exposed at the center but your child will not be required to quarantine, only monitor symptoms.
If there is a positive case within a household your child will not be required to quarantine. However, if your child tests positive for COVID they will be required to quarantine for 10 days from onset of symptoms, regardless of vaccination status.
**For Pre-K and School Age classes, if your child tests positive for COVID, they will be required to quarantine for 5 days. If symptoms improve after the 5th day of quarantine then the student can return on day 6 but must wear a mask through day 10.
Per our contract agreement, “The regular fee is charged for holiday closings. The regular fee is also charged if your child is absent due to illness, vacation, inclement weather, late openings, early closings, etc” This will include quarantine times
Sick Policy
Parents should inform the center if their child has been diagnosed with any communicable diseases such as common cold, flu, strep throat, stomach flu, any viruses or fever. Fever will be considered a temperature of 101 degrees or higher. Children must be fever, diarrhea or vomit free for 24 hours or have a doctor’s note before returning.
The center will only administer emergency medications; this includes an inhaler for asthma, Benadryl and/or EpiPen for allergies. No other medications will be accepted or administered.
Parents should call the center before 9 a.m. if your child is going to be absent or coming in late.